Banding of haemorrhoids is a common procedure for moderate sized haemorrhoids. The procedure is often combined with either a colonoscopy or a flexible sigmoidoscopy to ensure that there are no other abnormalities to account for the bleeding, further along the bowel.
The band is typically applied at the top part of the haemorrhoid above the anal canal. The bands work by cutting off blood supply to the haemorrhoidal tissue and this process also draws the haemorrhoid inward reducing the risk of it further prolapsing. The healing process at the banding site also helps to attach residual haemorrhoid tissue to the underlying muscle to prevent or decrease further prolapse and bleeding. Multiple bands may be required to treat the haemorrhoids. Following banding, there is often a sensation of rectal fullness, which can produce some discomfort and an urge to defaecate. These sensations usually pass after a couple of days.
Most banding is uncomplicated but minor bleeding can occur in the first week after the banding, usually when the haemorrhoids separate from the anal canal. Repeat banding may also be required in some patients.